Laravel Passwordless Login is an excellent package that provides a temporary signed route that logs in a user. It does not offer a way of sending the link to the route to the user. This is because It doesn't want to make any assumptions about how you communicate with your users.

use Grosv\LaravelPasswordlessLogin\Traits\PasswordlessLogin; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable; class User extends Authenticatable { use PasswordlessLogin; public function getGuardNameAttribute(): string { return config('laravel-passwordless-login.user_guard'); } public function getShouldRememberLoginAttribute(): bool { return config('laravel-passwordless-login.remember_login'); } public function getLoginRouteExpiresInAttribute(): int { return config('laravel-passwordless-login.login_route_expires'); } public function getRedirectUrlAttribute(): string { return config('laravel-passwordless-login.redirect_on_success'); }}

The biggest mistake I could see someone making with this package is creating a login link for one user and sending it to another.

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