
Add RSS Feed To Nuxt3 App
In this tutorial we're going to create an RSS feed to use with Nuxt3 and module. First we're going to install the package into our application. In Nuxt3 there is a feature to create we're going to use this to create our RSS feed route.

In this file we need to fetch the latest articles and output them in RSS feed format. import { serverQueryContent } from '#content/server'import RSS from 'rss'export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const docs = await serverQueryContent(event).sort({ createdAt: -1 }).limit(100).find() const blogPosts = docs.filter((doc) => doc?._path?.includes('/articles')) const feed = new RSS({ title: 'Paulund', site_url: '', feed_url: ``, }) for (const doc of blogPosts) { feed.item({ title: doc.title ??

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