Laravel Disposable Email is an amazing pacakage that adds a validator to Laravel for checking whether a given email address isn't originating from disposable email services such as Mailinator, Guerillamail, etc. If you don't use auto-discovery, open up your app config and add the Service Provider to the $providers array: 'providers' => [ ... Propaganistas\LaravelDisposableEmail\DisposableEmailServiceProvider::class, ], Publish the configuration file and adapt the configuration as desired: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-disposable-email Run the following artisan command to fetch an up-to-date list of disposable domains: php artisan disposable:update (optional) In your languages directory, add for each language an extra language line for the validator: 'indisposable' => 'Disposable email addresses are not allowed.', (optional) It's highly advised to update the disposable domains list regularly.

Use the indisposable validator to ensure a given field doesn't hold a disposable email address.

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