We have all been there, we want to integrate with a 3rd party API in Laravel and we ask ourselves “How should I do this?“. When it comes to API integrations I am no stranger, but still each time I wonder what is going to be the best way.
Refactor your request class to look like the below example: class ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest extends SaloonRequest { protected ?string $connector = GitHubConnector::class; protected ?string $method = Saloon::GET; public function __construct( public string $owner, public string $repo, ) {} public function defineEndpoint(): string { return "/repos/{$this->owner}/{$this->repo}/actions/workflows"; }}
Now we need to add our authentication token and actually send the request: public function handle(): int { $owner = (string) $this->argument('owner'); $repo = (string) $this->argument('repo'); $request = new ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest( owner: $owner, repo: $repo, ); $request->withTokenAuth( token: (string) config('services.github.token'), ); $this->info( string: "Fetching workflows for {$owner}/{$repo}", ); $response = $request->send(); return self::SUCCESS; }
'; protected $description = 'Create a new workflow dispatch event for a repository.'; public function handle(): int { $owner = (string) $this->argument('owner'); $repo = (string) $this->argument('repo'); $workflow = (string) $this->argument('workflow'); $request = new CreateWorkflowDispatchEventRequest( owner: $owner, repo: $repo, workflow: $workflow, ); $request->withTokenAuth( token: (string) config('services.github.token'), ); if ($this->hasArgument('branch')) { $request->setData( data: ['ref' => $this->argument('branch')], ); } $this->info( string: "Requesting a new workflow dispatch for {$owner}/{$repo} using workflow: {$workflow}", ); $response = $request->send(); if ($response->failed()) { throw $response->toException(); } $this->info( string: 'Request was accepted by GitHub', ); return self::SUCCESS; }}