To check if a table exists in a database using Pest test in Laravel, you can use the following code: it('checks if table exists in the database', function () { $tableName = 'your_table_name_here'; $exists = Schema::hasTable($tableName); expect($exists)->toBeTrue(); }); In the above code: it is a function provided by Pest that allows you to define a test case. $tableName is a variable that holds the name of the table you want to check for existence. Schema::hasTable($tableName) is a method provided by Laravel's Schema Builder that returns a boolean value indicating whether the table exists in the database or not. expect($exists)->toBeTrue() is an assertion provided by Pest that checks if the value of $exists is true.
it('checks if table exists in the database', function () { $tableName = ['table1', 'table2', 'table3']; foreach($tableNames as $tableName){ $exists = Schema::hasTable($tableName); expect($exists)->toBeTrue(); }});