
Class based model factories in Laravel 8

Category: Laravel, Laravel, PHP, PHP, javascript, javascript

· September 12, 2020 · ⋆ Laravel The model factories in Laravel are a great way of seeding some fake data in the database for testing purposes which I’ve discussed in this article.

You may like this if you’re on previous versions of Laravel ➔ Insert mass database records using model factories in Laravel

You can also use the create instead of the make method which will create a record in the database using Eloquent’s save method like so.

Follow me on Twitter @amit_merchant New RateLimiter facade for defining named rate limiters in Laravel 8 Class based model factories in Laravel 8 Access application in maintenance mode using a secret token in Laravel 8 Personalized maintenance mode views in Laravel 8 Dynamic blade components in Laravel 8 New RateLimiter facade for defining named rate limiters in Laravel 8 Class based model factories in Laravel 8 Access application in maintenance mode using a secret token in Laravel 8 Personalized maintenance mode views in Laravel 8 Dynamic blade components in Laravel 8

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