This month I started to read a book called “Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins — Second edition” from Rafal LESZKO. I’m a professor at the University EAFIT in Colombia, and I teach a software architecture course (I have a PhD in computer science).
It means, you need to execute some commands, to build a new docker image (inside the jenkins container) based on the GitHub current code, and run a new container, and test that container.
So, the next part was to add two new stages to the jenkins pipeline: Those stages build a new image based on the GitHub current code, and connect with Docker Hub (through the use of two jenkins credentials that I registered), and then, it pushes the new image to my Docker Hub account.
I build the Laravel item (from jenkins), and it shows me a message saying that it passed the “Declarative: Checkout SCM, Build, Unit test, Code coverage, Static code analysis larastan, Static code analysis phpcs, Docker build, Docker push, Deploy to staging, Acceptance test curl, Acceptance test codeception” stages.