Laravel-livewire-wizard is an amazing package by Spatie that offers lightweight Livewire components that allow you to easily build a wizard. These step components will be tied together using a WizardComponent.
The WizardComponent class extends Livewire's component class, so you need to register the CheckoutWizardComponent with Livewire.
Since steps are Livewire components, don't forget to register all steps to Livewire.
namespace App\Components; use App\Components\CartComponent; use App\Components\DeliveryAddressComponent; use App\Components\ConfirmOrderComponent; use Spatie\LivewireWizard\Components\WizardComponent; class CheckoutWizardComponent extends WizardComponent { public function steps() : array { return [ CartStepComponent::class, DeliveryAddressStepComponent::class, ConfirmOrderStepComponent::class, ]; }}