AWS Lambda@Edge has the ability to run your Lambda closer to the source of the request. This makes it specially easier to deal with regulations such as GDPR by holding european data only within Europe servers.

- Name: au-infrastructure Region: ap-southeast-2 ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Provider: CloudFormation Version: 1 Configuration: ActionMode: CREATE_UPDATE RoleArn: !ImportValue GenericCloudFormationRoleArn StackName: service-x-infrastructure TemplatePath: src::amazon/infrastructure/template.yaml InputArtifacts: - Name: src RunOrder: 1

- Name: eu-execute Region: eu-west-1 InputArtifacts: [] ActionTypeId: Category: Deploy Owner: AWS Version: 1 Provider: CloudFormation OutputArtifacts: [] Configuration: StackName: service-x-lambda ChangeSetName: pipeline-changeset RunOrder: 3

- Name: Source Actions: - Name: source ActionTypeId: Category: Source Owner: ThirdParty Provider: GitHub Version: 1 Configuration: Owner: your-github-organization Repo: your-github-repository Branch: master OAuthToken: !ImportValue GitHubOauthToken PollForSourceChanges: false OutputArtifacts: - Name: src

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