After a lot of pestering from your project manager/clients before your app becomes production-ready, deploying your Laravel app to production might be a Lil bit cumbersome and time-consuming. Don’t worry in this article I cover everything you need to deploy your Laravel project to production in the Cpanel environment.
Now that you’re in your project directory let’s type the following commands : Now you’ve successfully run this command in your cmd, it’s time to zip up your project folder and upload it to the public_html folder in the file manager in the Cpanel environment, while you’re waiting for it to be uploaded goto your Cpanel main menu(leave the file manager tab open) and click on MySQL Database Wizard to create a new database for your app.
Now switch to the file manager tab and unzip your project folder, open the folder to access the .env file but if you can’t find the .env file in your project folder just click on Settings at the top right corner, tick the show hidden files and click save. Your .env file should now appear in the project folder, right-click on it and click edit so you can modify it.