
Eloquent Search Examples
Let's start with a basic scenario, A tenant has N users, each user has a config and a profile: Bring all users wich have: user column is_active in config relationship equals trueuser column address in profile relationship contains “Foo”user column tenant_id equals 1 Pure Eloquent: Eloquent Search: Bring a list of user pictures, from a specific tenant, following the conditions: user column is_active in config equals falseuser column created_at must be greater than equal 2000–01–01 or nullPicture is a column in profile table, Pure Eloquent:Eloquent Search Search all profiles wich: - Columns address, street and number contains at least one word of this sentence “Lorem Ipsum Ignolis” Eloquent Search: In profile Model: Sea rch users with ID greater than 100Exclude users with ID is between 200 and 300Exclude users with status_id is in [1,4,6] Bring all users wich profile.cash_amount is different from zero OR users with column is_superadmin equals true

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