Sushi-powered Eloquent Models for Google Sheets If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.
A macro that you can attach to your Google sheet.
Step 1 - Enter the full path to the directory where you want to create the model file (defaults to app_path()):Step 2 - Enter the name you want to use for your model class:Step 3 - Paste the edit url of your Google Sheet from the browser address bar:Step 4 - Confirm that the path and full classname look right:Step 5 - And you will receive the template of a macro that you can attach to your sheet that will tell your site that the sheet has changed so a new cache has to be built. You can use something like this to enable the macro generated on your sheet as an installable trigger: This model can do your basic Eloquent model stuff because it really is an Eloquent model.