Category: PHP, javascript

· November 23, 2020 · ⋆ PHP I’ll give a small overview of the feature and link it to the full article at the bottom of each feature.

In its most simple form, an attribute in PHP can be applied using #[attr] syntax. So, if you want to apply an attribute to a class, for instance, you can do it like so.

Exciting new features and improvements in PHP 8 Using .htaccess to access environment variables in PHP How to upgrade legacy codebase to use PHP 8.0 features using Rector How to use Attributes and their real-world usage in PHP 8.0 Composer 2.0 — How to upgrade and features overview Exciting new features and improvements in PHP 8 Throttling submission of form in Laravel Monitor logs in Laravel Telescope in production environment Using MySQL explain for queries in Laravel 8.x Simple and lightweight scaffolding using Breeze in Laravel 8

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