
Fetch all the available time zones in PHP
When you’re building a user-facing application, one of the most common scenarios is to let the user decide their respective Now, one way of doing this is by creating a hard-coded list of time zones and showing them as a list. And if you’re using PHP, you can fetch all the time zones with a single line of code. PHP comes with a handy class called (available from PHP 5 and older) that can be used for various time zone related needs.

var_dump( DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers( DateTimeZone::ALL )); /* array(425) { => string(14)"Africa/Abidjan" => string(12)"Africa/Accra" => string(18)"Africa/Addis_Ababa" => string(14)"Africa/Algiers" => string(13)"Africa/Asmara" ... } */

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