If you have some corrections, recommendations or anything else to say please let me know. Install in config/app.php 'providers' => [ /* * Laravel Framework Service Providers... */ ... // Responsive File Manager ZanySoft\ResponsiveFileManager\FileManagerServiceProvider::class ], In app/Http/Kernel.php need to use StartSession, can also use and is recommended CSRF Token protected $middlewareGroups = [ ... 'web' => [ ... \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class, // Responsive File Manager supports CSRF Token usage \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class ] ... ]; then do php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ZanySoft\ResponsiveFileManager\FileManagerServiceProvider"

Don't forget to set upload dir in config file $upload_dir = 'media/'; $thumbs_upload_dir = 'thumbs/'; //this will create inside upload directory Set route prefix in config file 'route_prefix' => 'filemanager/', //or 'route_prefix' => 'admin/filemanager/', Set middleware in config file for security purpose 'middleware' => 'auth', //defaualt is web #use-as-standalone Use as StandAlone

Open RFM 'imgField'])">Open RFM // OR Open RFM see USE AS STAND-ALONE FILE MANAGER in Responsible https://responsivefilemanager.com/index.php#documentation-section #include-in-tinymce-or-ckeditor Include in TinyMCE or CKEDITOR

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