When I first was told to use Docker in my local dev environment. All I can remember is that I need to bring a container up docker-compose up and then bring it down by docker-compose down.
When we use docker commands, the client sends them to docker daemon (dockerd) to execute them.
Step Create a docker-compose.yaml file in the root directory of your project with the following code touch docker-compose.yamlStep Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your project with the following code touch DockerfileStep Create a laravel.ini file with the following code touch laravel.iniStep Create a folder to store the nginx Dockerfile and add a Dockerfile inside it with the following code mkdir docker-nginx && cd docker-nginx && touch DockerfileStep Create a entrypoint.sh file inside docker-nginx directory with the following code touch entrypoint.shStep Create a fpm-template.conf file inside docker-nginx with the following code touch fpm-template.confStep Create a nginx.conf file inside docker-nginx directory with the following code touch nginx.confStep Go back to the root directory and create a .env file from the existing .env.example file and modify the following fields in your .env file to use the values specified in the database container cd ... && cp .env.example .env
I am excited that I have shared my knowledge on how to use Docker to develop Laravel Applications.