Originally posted @ https://codeanddeploy.com visit and download the sample code: https://codeanddeploy.com/blog/laravel/how-to-generate-qr-code-in-laravel-8 In my previous https://codeanddeploy.com/blog/laravel/how-to-generate-barcode-in-laravel-8, I'm posted about barcodes now I'm sharing about QR codes in a separate post. We know that QR codes are so important to quicker the sharing of data like website links, app links, product links, secret codes, and many others. So if you have a project in** Laravel that needs to generate a QR code** maybe it could help you.
Kindly visit here https://codeanddeploy.com/blog/laravel/how-to-generate-qr-code-in-laravel-8 if you want to download this code.