is a modern CSS framework. It is a utility-first-based framework and provides you with a unique set of utility classes which makes the development process very easy and results in making a unique design.
Most importantly it is easy to maintain the quality of code while using Tailwind CSS with Laravel when compared to custom CSS.
#how-to-install-tailwind-css-3-in-laravel-9-with-vite-3 How to Install Tailwind CSS 3 in Laravel 9 With Vite 3 #step-1-install-laravel-project Step Install Laravel Project
Typically, this would be done in your application's resources/js/app.js file: resources/js/app.js import './bootstrap'; import '../css/app.css' #step-4-import-vite-assets-to-laravel-blade Step Import Vite Assets to Laravel Blade resources/views/welcome.blade.php getLocale())}}"> @vite('resources/js/app.js') #step-5-run-vite-development-server Step Run Vite Development Server