I came across this concept of this sentiment analysis only recently. It sounded quite interesting and I wanted to learn more about it and maybe, also come up with some fun app around the same.

sentiment https://github.com/davmixcool/php-sentiment-analyzer is the package I used to make my tiny little Laravel Sentiment Analyzer.

#adding-the-sentiment-analyzer-package Adding the Sentiment Analyzer Package

$analyzer = new Analyzer(); $output_text = $analyzer->getSentiment($request->text_to_analyze); $mood = ''; if($output_text['neg'] > 0 && $output_text['neg'] 0.49){ $mood = 'Mostly Negative'; } if($output_text['neu'] > 0 && $output_text['neg'] 0.49){ $mood = 'Mostly neutral'; } if($output_text['pos'] > 0 && $output_text['pos'] 0.49){ $mood = 'Mostly positive'; } //dd('Negative: '.

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