If there is one aspect of Laravel that I like, it’s that it is accompanied by very nice tools. If you — like me — like to quickly setup your development environment, and test your work in progress asap, Valet helps you to setup test domains on your local machine very fast.

As you can find on the documentation page for Valet, the solution is revealed in the “other commands” section: As the command states: Add sudoers files for Brew and Valet to allow Valet commands to be run without prompting for your password.

So, by using the “valet trust” command, you will indicate that the current machine can be trusted, which results in sudoers adjustments that will give Valet sudo permissions to operate correctly and without asking for your password each and every time. Please understand that the reason that you were prompted for the password in the first place, is because of increased security measures.

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