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· September 18, 2020 · ⋆ Laravel Laravel 8’s class-based model factories are great and I’ve written an entire article about what they are and how they are more feature-rich and useful than the traditional factories that we used to write prior to Laravel 8.

One of being your application already has a lot of factories written and you don’t want to refactor them to the class-based ones all at once. In scenarios like this, you can install the laravel/legacy-factories composer package into your application which will allow you to use the legacy/traditional factories in your Laravel application without changing anything in your application.

Get the latest articles delivered right to your inbox (I swear I won't spam) How to use Laravel 7.x model factories in Laravel 8 How to use Laravel 7 style controller route definitions in Laravel 8 New RateLimiter facade for defining named rate limiters in Laravel 8 Class based model factories in Laravel 8 Access application in maintenance mode using a secret token in Laravel 8 How to use Laravel 7.x model factories in Laravel 8 Prevent spammy form submissions by bots using this Honeypot technique in PHP How to use Laravel 7 style controller route definitions in Laravel 8 New RateLimiter facade for defining named rate limiters in Laravel 8 Class based model factories in Laravel 8

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