Category: Laravel, api

I’m a full-stack developer who’s building lot’s of single-page applications with Laravel and Vue, which absolutely is a great combination. However, when you’re working with Vue for the frontend of your application, you’ll first have to make a request to your API and then process the response.

While I was talking about using Laravel & Vue for my projects, you can also use Inertia when you’re working with Rails, React, or Svelte (and you can make any combination you like).

All you have to do is to specify the right Vue component and the data that has to be passed on in your Laravel controller, and Inertia will do all the work for you.

If you’re working with Laravel or Ruby for the server-side of your application and Vue, React, or Svelte for the client-side, then there’s a big change of Inertia being exactly what you need!

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