Category: Laravel, Laravel, PHP, PHP, MySQL, MySQL, nodejs, nodejs, javascript, javascript

at first you need composer , node.js , php to be installed on your computer make a new project with name blog make the tailwind ui auth with the commands: you can see now that there is a new folders in view directory , with names : auth and layout. and see that there is a new folders in public folder for css and js, in css directory you can see app.css which contain tailwind css style. for more information about installing tailwind ui auth with laravel you can check the link : a side note , if you have a problem with laravel mix ,you have to runand if it did not work just make the following commands: I will use MySQL as a database , but you can use what ever you want, just make sure to add the right configuration when you create a new Laravel project , a User model will be already created for you , and for now we need to make a Post model you need to add the following code inside your new Post Model , so go to app/Models/Post.php read more a bout sluggable package in the link now you have a new php file in database/migrations/some_date_create_post_posts.php To create a new schema for a posts table and fill it with the required column names, fill in the up function the following code make the command migrate so you migrate the tables to the database, so it create it for you in your database controllers are a classes to manage the behavior of handling requests ,for example UserController class might handle all incoming requests related to users, including showing, creating, updating, and deleting users.

add the following code in PostsController: In PostsController you can see all the resources ( which mean create, read , update, delete ) actions already created for us when we add — resource to the command that create PostsController make in resources/view directory a new file index.blade.php , and remove web.blade.php, and add the following code to it

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