From the we laid all the foundational features of an ecommerce store from manage users to role based access control. Oftentimes these categories are nested, for example Electronics → Laptops → Gaming Laptops or something like that.

* * @return array */ public function definition(): array { return [ 'name' => $this->faker->unique()->word, 'parent_id' => $this->faker->randomElement([ Category::factory(), null, ]), 'description' => $this->faker->sentence, ]; }}

* * @param Category $category * @return Renderable */ public function edit(Category $category): Renderable { $categories = Category::all(); return view('admin.categories.edit', [ 'category' => $category, 'categories' => $categories, ]); }

* * @return Renderable */ public function index(): Renderable { $categories = QueryBuilder::for(Category::class) ->allowedFilters([AllowedFilter::scope('search', 'whereScout')]) ->with('parent') ->paginate(10) ->appends(request()->query()); return view('admin.categories.index', [ 'categories' => $categories, ]); }

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