Laravel Eloquent HasManyThrough relationships with unlimited levels If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again.
Add the pivot table to the intermediate models: If you specify custom keys, remember to swap the foreign and local key on the "right" side of the pivot table: Consider the documentation example with an additional ManyToMany level:User → many to many → Role → many to many → Permission
Add the pivot table to the intermediate models and specify the polymorphic local keys as an array, starting with the *_type column: You can include BelongsTo relationships in the intermediate path:Tag → morphed by many → Post → belongs to → User
You can specify the selected columns as the second argument: As the third argument, you can specify a custom accessor: If you retrieve data from multiple tables, you can use nested accessors: Use withPivot() for the pivot tables of BelongsToMany and MorphToMany/MorphedByMany relationships: You can specify a custom pivot model as the third argument and a custom accessor as the fourth: If your relationship path contains the same model multiple times, you can specify a table alias: Use the HasTableAlias trait in the models you are aliasing: For pivot tables, this requires custom models: Use setAlias() to specify a table alias when concatenating existing relationships (Laravel 6+): By default, soft-deleted intermediate models will be excluded from the result.