This is the second post on a Laravel Report series that I'm starting. For part 1, check out

The user may choose to sort by Staff Member responsible for tickets or maybe for creation date (oldest to newest).

public function register() { $this->registerPage(); $this->registerSort(); } public function registerPage(): void { $this->app->bind(Page::class, function () { $request = $this->app->make(Request::class); return new Page((int) $request->input('per_page', Page::DEFAULT)); }); } public function registerSort(): void { $this->app->bind(Sort::class, function () { $request = $this->app->make(Request::class); $field = $request->input('sort.field'); $direction = $request->input('sort.direction'); return new Sort($field, $direction); }); }

in_array($this->field, $this->available)) { abort(422, "Sorting on [$this->field] is not possible."); } return true; } public function fallback(string $field, string $direction): self { if (!

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