composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 Go to your app filesystem and added s3 storage ‘s3’ => [‘driver’ => ‘s3’,‘key’ => env(‘AWS_KEY’),‘secret’ => env(‘AWS_SECRET’),‘region’ => env(‘AWS_REGION’),‘bucket’ => env(‘AWS_BUCKET’),‘url’ => env(‘AWS_URL’),‘visibility’ => ‘public’,], 5.
Update the code below into S3 Controller public function UploadImagesToAwsS3(){$posts = {Query to fetch images from db table}if (sizeof($posts) > 0){$moved_count = 0;$error_count = 0;foreach ($posts as $post){if ($post->image && file_exists({image_url}){//this code will upload images to S3 Storage$moved = Storage::disk(‘s3’)->put({image_name}, file_get_contents({image_url}));if ($moved){$moved_count++;//update S3 url into the table$update ={model_name}::findOrFail($post->id);//asw flag$update->aws = ‘1’;//asw url$update->aws_path = ‘https://'.env('AWS_BUCKET').'.s3.'.env('AWS_REGION').''. image_name};$update->update();}else{$error_count++;}}}return $moved_count.’ images are moved to amazon S3 storage successfully and ‘.$error_count.’ images are failed to move’;}else{return “No images are available to move”;}} That’s it, now just run the route URL into the URL application to upload the images to S3 Storage.