· September 4, 2020 · ⋆ JavaScript A function in JavaScript is a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value and return it based on the input which is been given to it.
But there is a problem over here and that is by looking at the function call, you can’t know what argument is intended for.
Now, if you want to assign default values to arguments, you can do it like so.
Follow me on Twitter @amit_merchant Named function arguments in JavaScript The difference between for...in & for...of in JavaScript How to check if the API call is failing using Fetch in JavaScript Things to consider before using arrow functions in JavaScript Remove event listener once it's invoked in JavaScript Named function arguments in JavaScript Re-usable Blade components for Laravel projects using Blade UI Kit Showing related posts based on the category of current post in Jekyll Refactor related macros to classes using Mixins in Laravel Type annotate arguments for subset of a given type in TypeScript