I am Saravana Thiyagarajan a PHP developer with 1.5years on experience. After a Long Search joined in new organization which has a CRM & other small social networking apps. I have joined a Junior PHP developer & They assigned me a task on CRM Application And That is the reason for this post.

config('envs.super_user_id') : $lead->transaction->to; $leda_user = User::where('id',$lead->user_id)->first(); if(empty($lead->transaction)||$from != $to){ $lead_transfer_data = [ 'lead_id' => $id, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, "assign_type" => "Manual", 'user_id' => auth()->user()->id, "reason" => $request->reason ??

); $data22['user_id'] = auth()->user()->id; $data22['type'] = "Automatic"; Note::create($data22); }} } if($transfer['status']){ if(auth()->user()->id != $to){ //send notification $details = [ 'body' => ucfirst(auth()->user()->name).'

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