
PHP 8.1 in 8 code blocks

Category: PHP, PHP

Scout APM helps PHP developers pinpoint N+1 queries, memory leaks & more so you can troubleshoot fast & get back to coding faster. enum Status { case draft; case published; case archived; public function color(): string { return match($this) { Status::draft => 'grey', Status::published => 'green', Status::archived => 'red', }; }} class PostData { public function __construct( public readonly string $title, public readonly string $author, public readonly string $body, public readonly DateTimeImmutable $createdAt, public readonly PostState $state, ) {}} class PostStateMachine { public function __construct( private string $state = new Draft(), ) { }} $fiber = new Fiber(function (): void { $valueAfterResuming = Fiber::suspend('after suspending'); }); $valueAfterSuspending = $fiber->start(); $fiber->resume('after resuming');"" Do you want to learn more about PHP 8.1? For the next 10 days, you'll receive a daily email covering a new and exiting feature of PHP 8.1; afterwards you'll be automatically unsubscribed, so no spam or followup. $array1 = ["a" => 1]; $array2 = ["b" => 2]; $array = ["a" => 0,...$array1,...$array2]; var_dump($array); function foo(int $a, int $b) { } $foo = foo(..).; $foo(a: 1, b: 2); function generateSlug(HasTitle&HasId $post) { return strtolower($post->getTitle()). $post->getId(); } $list = ["a", "b", "c"]; array_is_list($list); $notAList = [1 => "a", 2 => "b", 3 => "c"]; array_is_list($notAList); $alsoNotAList = ["a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => "c"]; array_is_list($alsoNotAList); Noticed a tpyo?

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