
PHPUnit with Bref 1.0
Last year I start with the docker-compose.yaml file which contains the configuration necessary to start a brand new container with my source code. version: '3.7' services: phpunit: build: context: php/build entrypoint: /usr/bin/tail command: ["-f", "/dev/null"] user: root working_dir: /var/task volumes: -.:/var/task -./php/build:/root/build -./tests/bref.ini:/opt/bref/etc/php/conf.d/bref.ini environment: - APP_ENV=testing

The source code has to be mounted on /var/task as it's where AWS place the source code on Lambda.

COPY --from=bref/extra-gmp-php-80:0.8 /opt/bref-extra /opt/bref-extra COPY --from=bref/extra-gmp-php-80:0.8 /opt/bref/ /opt/bref

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