· September 3, 2020 · ⋆ Laravel Recently, a prominent member of Laravel community, Dries Vints, has pre-released a pretty exciting open-source project called Blade UI Kit. Quoting from its official GitHub reposirtory, Blade UI Kit is a set of renderless components to utilize in your Laravel Blade views. In a nutshell, Blade UI Kit provides you a set of re-usable Blade components that you might be using across your Laravel projects repeatedly.
Follow me on Twitter @amit_merchant Re-usable Blade components for Laravel projects using Blade UI Kit Refactor related macros to classes using Mixins in Laravel Using simple yet effective caching for Laravel queries Define relationships outside of Eloquent models in Laravel Fetch count of records for children relationships in Laravel Eloquent Re-usable Blade components for Laravel projects using Blade UI Kit Showing related posts based on the category of current post in Jekyll Refactor related macros to classes using Mixins in Laravel Type annotate arguments for subset of a given type in TypeScript Difference between Export and Export Default in TypeScript