Category: api

API Gateway V2 (HTTP API) native integration with SQS is an incredible tool to provide highly available APIs. AWS provides the scalability of API Gateway while making sure that the HTTP payload being received is automatically driven into an SQS queue. The drawback is that the process automatically becomes asynchronous, so the caller cannot expect a specific response.

LogstashCertificate: Type: AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate Properties: DomainName: !Ref Domain DomainValidationOptions: - DomainName: !Ref Domain ValidationDomain: !Ref Domain HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone ValidationMethod: DNS LogstashPayloadRoute: Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route Properties: ApiId: !Ref LogstashHttpApi RouteKey: POST / Target: !Sub 'integrations/${LogstashPayloadRouteIntegration}' AuthorizerId: !Ref LogstashAuthorizer AuthorizationType: JWT

LogstashPayloadRouteIntegration: Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration Properties: ApiId: !Ref LogstashHttpApi Description: Proxy incoming HTTP Payload into Logstash SQS IntegrationType: AWS_PROXY IntegrationSubtype: SQS-SendMessage PayloadFormatVersion: '1.0' CredentialsArn: !GetAtt LogstashHttpApiRole.Arn RequestParameters: QueueUrl: !Ref LogstashQueue MessageBody: $request.body

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