This guide will help all PHP developers who are looking to try their hands with Laravel on MAC OS. Laravel, has couple of dependencies and I will not get into all of that, I wanted this installation and setup process to be less complex for any developer reading this and for that have already done lot of research, based on my experience this is the easiest way to get started (there could be more options available with greater minds out there).
Then open Terminal and type bellow to test: Above, command will output as below composer version: Now let’s copy to bin and install it, with below command: Let’s test, if all is good with composer: You should get below output: Step Create a new Laravel project
All set, well not really, let’s test what we get in the browser: Point you browser to http://laravelwebsite.demoYou may encounter this error as below: Simple and most suggested solution is to allow permission as below: But, wait this is absolutely dangerous to do while you go in production, as this would open doors for hackers to get into and install any script and make your life difficult. The more secure way suggested to do this is as below: Once the permissions are set successfully, reload the browser address bar pointing to http://laravelwebsite.demo