It’s very common to see two programmers who code the same feature differently. But it’s much less common for those two programmers to see eye-to-eye and remain friendly.

final class PasswordGenerator implements GeneratorContract { public function __construct( private readonly ListContract $nouns, private readonly ListContract $adjectives, ) { } public function generate(): string { return $this->build( $this->nouns->random(), $this->adjectives->random(), $this->nouns->random(), $this->adjectives->random(), ); } public function generateSecure(): string { return $this->build( $this->nouns->secure(), $this->adjectives->secure(), $this->nouns->secure(), $this->adjectives->secure(), ); } private function build(string...$parts): string { return implode('-', $parts); }}

class PasswordGenerator { public function generate(): string { // generate a password } public function generateSecure(): string { return $this->makeStringSecure($this->generate()); } public function makeStringSecure(string $string): string { return str_replace(['a', 'e', 'i', 'o'], ['4', '3', '1', '0'], $string ); }}

Here’s what our final product looks like: class PasswordGenerator { public function __construct( public readonly array $adjectives, public readonly array $nouns ) { } public function generate(): string { // adjective-noun-adjective-noun return implode('-', [ $this->adjectives[array_rand($this->adjectives)], $this->nouns[array_rand($this->nouns)], $this->adjectives[array_rand($this->adjectives)], $this->nouns[array_rand($this->nouns)], ]); } public function generateSecure(): string { return $this->makeStringSecure($this->generate()); } public function makeStringSecure(string $string): string { return str_replace(['a', 'e', 'i', 'o'], ['4', '3', '1', '0'], $string ); }}

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