When you have deployed your Laravel application across multiple servers, for example when running multiple workers, you can run into a situation where you need to quickly tail the log to see what is going on. Note that this one contains the current date, if you have the single log channel instead of daily, you can just use laravel.log. The || true at the end of the statement, is to ensure no error is thrown if the log file does not exist. $servers = [ 'https://rias.be/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection', 'https://rias.be/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection' ]; @task('log', ['on' => $servers, 'parallel' => true]) tail -f /home/forge/example.com/storage/logs/laravel-{{ date('Y-m-d')}}.log || true @endtask Which you can then run using: Envoy will then SSH into the different servers for you in parallel and start tailing the log.

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