Published: Mar 3, 2022 by C.S. Rhymes This article will guide you through the basics of creating your configuration for dependabot so it can correctly analyse your dependencies and automatically create Pull Requests for you. To create a custom configuration for dependabot, we need to create a dependabot.yml file in the.github directory.

The npm configuration is almost identical to the composer configuration, except we define the package-ecosystem as “npm” and the labels have been updated too.

version: 2 updates: - package-ecosystem: "composer" # Update the directory directory: "/backend" schedule: interval: "weekly" target-branch: "develop" labels: - "php dependencies" - "backend" - package-ecosystem: "npm" # Update the directory directory: "/frontend" schedule: interval: "weekly" target-branch: "develop" labels: - "npm dependencies" - "frontend"

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