With Statamic v3, you can generate static sites which means you can deploy to services such as Netlify, AWS S3, Now, etc. You can use Statamic's redirect tag plus a custom blueprint to setup dynamic HTTP redirects on your Statamic website. You can use GitHub's Gists to embed your code blocks via the Oh See Gists add-on.

If you need to setup permanent or semi-permanent redirects (from within config files), you can do so in the config/statamic/routes.php file. To setup permanent (301 response code) redirects, add the routes to a redirects key: However, if you want to setup a temporary (Statamic calls in "vanity") redirect (302 response code), add the routes to a vanity key: If you're looking to setup dynamic redirects that you can manage from within the CMS, check out my post on Setting up dynamic HTTP redirects with Statamic v3.

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