Laravel Audio & Video Validator is a fantastic package introduced by This package adds validators for audio and video files to your Laravel project. To use this package you should install the ffmpeg multimedia framework: On Debian/Ubuntu, run sudo apt install ffmpeg

The package adds these validators: audio video codec duration duration_max duration_min video_width video_height video_max_width video_max_height video_min_width video_min_height If you need to add your custom translatable error messages then just add them as always to the resources/lang/en/validation.php file: 'audio' => 'The :attribute must be a audio.', 'video' => 'The :attribute must be a video.', 'codec' => 'The :attribute codec must be one of these: :codec', 'duration' => 'The :attribute must be :duration seconds duration.', 'duration_max' => 'The :attribute duration must be less than :duration_max seconds.', 'duration_min' => 'The :attribute duration must be greater than :duration_min seconds.', 'video_width' => 'The :attribute width must be :video_width.', 'video_height' => 'The :attribute height must be :video_height.', 'video_max_width' => 'The :attribute width must be less than :video_max_width.', 'video_min_width' => 'The :attribute width must be greater than :video_min_width.', 'video_min_height' => 'The :attribute height must be greater than :video_min_height.', Some examples

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