Today we're proud to introduce you to our new open-source package: Vapor UI. In short, this package provides a beautiful dashboard within your Vapor powered application that allows you to monitor your application's logs and failed queue jobs. Once you install the Vapor UI Dashboard in your application, you can visit /vapor-ui URI to access the dashboard: In this screenshot, you can see that the "Logs" tab will appear by default in addition to other information about the project.
It can be very useful to better understand why some requests result in a "502 Bad Gateway": Of course, you can also see the log detail by clicking the "eye" icon close to the log: The log detail contains contain relevant information such as the log message, log payload, location of the error, and more. Within the "Failed Jobs" tab, you can view the list of failed jobs, their names, the reason for failure, and the time of failure: Of course, just like in the "Logs" tab, you can perform full-text search or filter by "Starting from" date.