If you have read my https://blog.deleu.dev/el4k-my-journey-through-aws-elk-stack/ then you may be aware that I run 4 Logstash containers on AWS to do cross-region logging. We have been running our ELK stack with AWS Elasticsearch (managed) which covers Elasticsearch and Kibana and we run Logstash on Fargate.
In other words, someone had to find a way to cause our PHP system to write a log message and then that log message had to be invalid so that Logstash would fail to process it and write it's own log message.
That log went into AWS CloudWatch and I could see some IP address showing up on the DNS Log service.
I created a new DNS Log subdomain and tested again to see it happening a 2nd time to make sure it really was being triggered by my Logstash container.