Always I hated to write some helper functions and some PHP Pure codes in Laravel Blade and after a while, I decided to write a Laravel package to create an easier Blade. This package has some directive which can help you to write a Blade with more directive. With the EasyBlade package, You don’t need to write more PHP Pure code and after installing this package You will be able to write a better and more understandable Blade (view).
It does the sam e thing as the route helper function in Laravel in you can pass a route name to this directive as the first parameter and it will return the full address of the route.
You may want to print a string when your client is in a special route, Imagine you want to print ‘enable’ string to a class when your client is in ‘home’ or ‘home.about’ route (to add some style with CSS you should use a class name and in this example this class is active and disabler class is deactive).