Latest Laravel/PHP Articles

Latest Laravel/PHP Articles curated daily from around the web.

So, I've wanted to make my own open source package for quite some time. Last week it was registered at Packagist: barryvanveen/lastfm. It's a simple API client...
Last couple of months I've been working on a project that relies heavily on a Microsoft SQL (or mssql) database. It is the source of a legacy system that we are...
Tuesday the 29th of August, day 1 of Laracon EU 2017. This is my second Laracon and I've been regularly working with Laracon Framework for about 2,5 years now....
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Codeception is a testing framework with many functionalities. These functionalities are bundled in so-called modules. Some modules are used in most tests, like...
Codeception is configurated using the codeception.yml file. But, you don't want to store any credentials in this file. You can use a dotenv configuration file t...
It's difficult to check if you need to update your dependencies. There are services that can help. This is a review of Gemnasium, VersionEye and, w...
Currently, I'm working on my first Laravel package. So, it was time to dive into the wonderful world of the service container and service providers. Laravel has...
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
Some time ago I read an excellent article by Scott Helme on security headers. If you want to learn more about these headers I suggest you read the article yours...
Writing clean and readable code is essential. Having a properly defined code style, and adhering to that, is tedious work. Let's automate it as much as possible...
Updating dependencies can be tricky, especially if you let them build up over time. These are my tips to stay on top of any changes and make updating as painles...
Laravel translations can depend on the number of subjects: one apple, two apples. This article will explain more complex pluralizations: no apples, one apple, t...
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
Fzaninotto/Faker is a package for generating all sorts of random data. This tip shows you how you can use it to generate unique data for usage in tests. With th...
Google Tag Manager (GTM) enables you to track different events by defining variables, triggers, and tags. In this post, I explain how to track 404 errors using...
The relatively unknown @each function in a very powerful way to loop over data in Laravel Blade templates. It is powerful and much more elegant than @foreach. S...
Recently I worked on my first project in ES2015. Because not all browsers support all features of ES2015, you need to compile it into "normal" JavaScript. Also,...