Latest Laravel/PHP Articles

Latest Laravel/PHP Articles curated daily from around the web.

Laravel provides one of the best mechanisms to filter your incoming HTTP request parameters. In this blog, we will build one such middleware where you will be a...
At times, you would possibly want to make an app that uses a phone number/password pair as a way of authentication, as against the traditional email/password pa...
On Laragon app i did not find out how to change ‘domainname.test’. I try to change the host name .test to something. I seached on google stackoverflow but I did...
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Let’s be honest: the most boring thing about Laravel is creating the whole application database schema from scratch.
Facades, in Laravel, is basically a way of using Laravel’s classes without injecting them into the constructor of the class in which you want to use them.

Laracon Online 2020
Hey everyone! As many of you know, we had to cancel Laracon US 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic and travel restrictions. While unfortunate, it led me to step ba...
In case you didn't notice, recently I have been working in a secret project called Pest: an elegant PHP Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. Pest is un...
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
Today I released Laravel 7.9.0. This release includes two improvements for Blade components. First, the release fixes a developer experience issue when using Bl...
In this tutorial i will guide you how to validate form data in laravel 7 with vue js using v-from. In this tutorial we will validate data before submit to the d...
As you know, message-based asynchronous flows are a significant part of the web applications that allow scaling backend processes. You can move all the long tim...
Imagine a simple social network where users can send emails to other users. We will use Laravel and test driven development to create an app that does exactly t...
CodeMentor Codementor is an online marketplace connecting developers with experts for on- demand 1:1 help via screen sharing, video, and text chat.
As software developers, most of us are looking to become individuals of some esteem. We want to be recognised, or even celebrated for our talents. We want to be...
White labelling is the business practise of making aspects of your application styled to how your clients want it to look. In most cases of a web application se...
Today I am going to write and full tutorial to connect DynamoDB with PHP Laravel. Install baopham/laravel-dynamodb package into your laravel.
The problem: if you publish any document as PDF, in print, etc. and the text contains URLs, there is a chance that one day those URLs won't work anymore. There'...