Latest Laravel/PHP Articles

Latest Laravel/PHP Articles curated daily from around the web.

I thought I would copy the young'uns and ask ChatGPT how do to it. Here's what it told me. Surprisingly it worked. But before you do this, you might need to get...
Scott talks to Larry Garfield about his talks at php[tek] 2024 and the open source projects he’s created and maintained for the community. Copyright © 2002-2024...
What if you could embed your Livewire component anywhere? An embedded form, an entire chat widget, you name it! All you need is a way to extend your wire. Lucki...
CodeMentor Codementor is an online marketplace connecting developers with experts for on- demand 1:1 help via screen sharing, video, and text chat.
We just released our new Ray docs, check 'em out if you haven't already! They're hosted right here on and are extra snappy because they use Livewire's...
In this article I’ll show you how Inspector Monitoring AI creates Pull Requests on your GitHub repository to automatically fix application errors.

Top games of 2023
I don't, as a rule, pay full price for any game (with some exceptions). Like many people spoiled by Steam sales and a huge Steam library, I am patient enough to...
I bought a new Mac: a 2024 M3 MacBook Air that was just released a couple of weeks ago. This replaces a 2019 Intel i9 MacBook Pro. That machine was heavy and cu...
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.

A serverless journey
Serverless has been one of the biggest industry innovation in my career. I started playing with software in 2009 and I've been employed through this entire micr...
There might be many reasons you need to add text on top of an existing image. The main reason for me was to add the title of a post, on top of a "template" back...
In this video I will unveil the power of monitoring solutions for software developers. You will learn how to leverage automation to solve critical issues and av...
In the past, I've always used multiple third-party services to, for example, host and deploy my code to production. I like the idea of minimizing the number of...
CodeMentor Codementor is an online marketplace connecting developers with experts for on- demand 1:1 help via screen sharing, video, and text chat.
Developer at Laravel working on the first-party open source libraries. Find me on Twitter, GitHub or my website.
Podcast Archive › Community Corner: ngrok’s Scott McAlister Community Corner: ngrok’s Scott McAlister Scott talks to Scott McAlister from ngrok about some of th...
In the UK the end of the tax year is on the 5th of April. Here are some things you should do before the end of the tax year. The ISA allowance is £20,000 for th...
What you do with your money when you get paid will make a big difference to your financial future. Here are some things you should do when you get paid. Ensure...