Latest Laravel/PHP Articles

Latest Laravel/PHP Articles curated daily from around the web.

Normally, if you want to run a task and don't want the user to wait until it's done you'd dispatch a queued job. However, sometimes that task is really simple a...
Now that we have discussed creating factories, we can look at how to use these factories to seed our database with test data. Seeders allow you to generate a lo...
Today we, JetBrains, turn 20 years old! Yet our passion and exuberance for the world of software development is just as strong as ever. We are still learning ev...
Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers. Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers.
This is my very first story on medium and I wanted to write about something that I work on and what I am comfortable with. I want to start sharing my knowledge...
Today’s inspiration comes from Ross Bulat’s story: True PHP7 Multi-Threading: How to Rebuild PHP and use pthreads. Ross’s writes about installing PHP from scrat...
Create Virtual Host for NginxNginx Working Environment ConfigurationPHP: Version 7.3 Port: 8080 Follow the instructions to configure domain mapping 1 ) Open ter...
Laravel form builder (Bootstrap, Semantic ui, Materialize)A few months ago I try to create different form builder not server side php library.It’s JavaScript ap...
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
In Laravel framework, the api route file is separated to a single file. It’s clear to write the api route. Umm, it seems good. But if we have to add the v3 api...
Today we'll look at the command line and run performance heavy dev tools like Rector or PHPStan on our projects. I'm guessing that it takes more than 10 seconds...
Storing files or images on an external server is a common behavior nowadays. People use cloud storage like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Backblaze, or their own rem...
Many web applications require users to verify their mobile numbers before using the application.
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Hi, today I want to share about scraping data using PHP Curl in Laravel, in this tutorial I want to make a case, I’ll scraping data from this website https://de...
In short, Laradock is a set of dockerised software put together by the community. This quick tutorial will give you a quick overview on how to get started with...
When we dividing the sub-problems into smaller sub-problems we may reach at the stage where no division is possible. Those atomic smallest possible sub-problems...

Encryption and Hashing
As we mentioned earlier, APP_KEY has nothing to do with hashing passwords. It's used for encrypting and decrypting values in your application. Encryption and ha...