Source: PHP Oxford

PHP Oxford meetup

This month we are excited to be joined by [one/two] speakers!

First up is [name+twitter] with: [title].

"[abstract & bio]"

After that, we have [name+twitter] with: [title].

"[abstract & bio]"

Interesting in speaking?

If you'd like to present or even do a lightning talk (5-20 minutes) at a future event, please get in touch!

Refreshments & sponsors

In the olden days, we'd have a physical meet-up where the venue and refreshments (drinks and snacks) would be provided courtesy of our sponsors. Despite not being able to take full advantage of their generosity, we continue to thank Invitial ( for their support, and to Oxford Centre for Innovation ( for use of the venue.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this meet-up is covered by our code of conduct ( We request that all attendees abide by the code of conduct at all times. Thank you!

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