Latest Laravel/PHP Articles

Latest Laravel/PHP Articles curated daily from around the web.

Most people ain’t aware that PDO which is what most modern PHP application use to talk to databases, don’t have a built in mechanism for escaping column names l...
Easy-guide to integrate Laravel Application with Digital Ocean Spaces. “Digital Ocean Spaces with Laravel” is published by Martin Oppenheimer in Light-it
Released in February 2015, Laravel 5.0 has become one of the most popular PHP web frameworks. Being a versatile framework, it is the preferred choice of global...
CodeMentor Codementor is an online marketplace connecting developers with experts for on- demand 1:1 help via screen sharing, video, and text chat.
In this new series, we’ll be exploring the concept of custom validation rules in Laravel and how they can assist you. I’m posting an article each day with a new...
Certain tasks within Laravel’s Eloquent ORM can become very repetitive and tedious within larger applications.There’s a lot of semi-hidden functions and less-kn...
For the framework releases (as well as Lumen), we do 2 major releases each year. It's also our recommendation that you try to stay up-to-date with each release...
In an application, we store the state of the application in the database. When the state changes, we update the state. By doing this, we lost the previous state...
Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers. Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers.
How to override the Laravel Passport functionality to use UUIDs instead of an incremental ID
This article will show you how to use laravel and vuejs to build datatable without any plugin or third party library. I am very much aware that there are many p...
Social networks have become an essential part of our online presence, more and more apps are integrating with popular social networking providers like Google an...
Laravel provides you built-in functions for uploading any type of file, Here is the code for you to upload an image in Laravel. This code is written in Laravel...
Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers. Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers.
IF statement are very big part of development, the essence of the write up is to avoid deep nested if statements, although there are no fixed rules for every si...
In the first word, Laragon is a GUI desktop application which provides developers with a working environment like XAMPP, HOMESTEAD and etc. As a developer, I am...
Laravel is a framework which allows large migrations to gain control for your database. Migration files are very helpful in keep modifying and changing the data...
This is my second blog post about using Laravel framework without Facades. First post was about explaining why not to use Facades, static classes, and helper fu...