I'm not a big fan of PHP and mainly worked with Node.js project, this time I get a project using a legacy PHP/Laravel code bases and It's really frustrating for...
Bootstrap has it's own component to make navbar and you can see that https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/components/navbar/. First of all you have to include boot...
A repository can be defined as a layer of abstraction between the domain and data mapping layers, one that provides an avenue of mediation between both, via a c...
https://matthewdaly.co.uk/blog/2022/12/11/what-i-think-chatgpt-means-for-developers/Published by at 11th December 2022 7:20 pm Naturally I decided to have a tin...
Laravel is a popular web application framework that is known for its elegant syntax and robust features. This powerful tool allows developers to perform a varie...
My dear, I found this wonderful source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijt10uTM8LY that shows us 5 Laravel Relationship Tips that are useful to us. They will ma...
In the https://dev.to/dnsinyukov/how-to-integrate-google-calendar-api-and-friendship-with-laravel-4cok we created a project in the Google Cloud Console, as well...
Hi and welcome for another article đ This one will be a rapid-fire oriented post so that you can both see how easy it is to test your Laravel app, and you can r...
https://dev.to/norbybaru #overview Overview https://laravel.com/docs/master/eloquent is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that makes it enjoyable to interact wi...
*Laravel version...8.75 #what-is-crossorigin What is cross-origin If a request is from the same origin as the web server, the server enables web clients to acce...
If you're looking to start a new project or update an existing one, then be sure to check out this explainer and the accompanying video! We'll give you some tip...
Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Api Auto Pilot is a Laravel package for building RESTful APIs amazingly fast. It is inspired by the Strapi Restful API and its main goal is to get you an API fo...
Sessions are used to store information about the user temporarily across the requests. The session configuration file is stored in config/session.php, from this...
A pull request template is a way to standardize the information that contributors include when they open a pull request on GitHub. This can be useful for ensuri...
GitHub Pull Requests are a powerful tool for collaborating with others on a software project. Pull requests allow developers to propose changes to a project's c...